Derek Hood: Professional Businessman And Former Professional Basketball Player
When you are talented and there is a passion for the game of basketball, there's a pretty good chance that you could have a sporting career as a profession. Well, speaking of a basketball career, Derek Hood has had the opportunity to play in professional leagues all over the world. Hood was drafted into the NBA in 1999. After playing two games with the Charlotte Hornets, Derek decided to try the CBA. Hood realized that he could gain more exposure in a minor basketball league instead of a major basketball league. Because of his accomplishments in the CBA, Derek Hood went on to play for the Yakima Sun Kings after playing for the Quad City Thunder.
After traveling to Italy, Hood wanted to play for a team located there. Derek Hood ended up playing for the Kansas City Knights. In any league, Hood has always been known to play basketball to the best of his ability. With his educational background being directly from the University of Arkansas, D Hood received an induction into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Honor. Derek Hood is proud to have had a professional basketball career to span from 1999-2005. Currently, Hood is retired from professional basketball.
With opportunities to be in broadcasting, Hood has chances to promote other businesses and commentate minor league games. As far as Hood is aware, he is deciding to take it easy in his retirement. Hood doesn't feel the need to take on another career right now. Besides having a significant other, Hood takes time out to spend with his children. In the near future, Derek Hood hopes to start a charity for high school students in need of school supplies.